Plot Permissions

Plots have their own permissions. Using these permissions you can make everyone have access to build or allow an allied town access to chests. Permissions can be a bit finicky so checking them every once in a while is a good habit.

To easily see which plot has which permissions use the following command to get an easy overview on your screen:

/plot perm hud

If you wish to remove the screen, re-execute the command.

Permission Groups

Towny knows multiple groups of permission to generalize people under:

  • Resident

    • This applies to all members of a town.

  • Nation

    • This applies to all members, in every town within a nation.

  • Ally

    • This applies to all members, in every town you have an alliance with.

  • Outsider

    • This applies to all non-members, non-allies and people not in your nation. This essentially means everyone that is not associated to you.

Permission Types

Towny knows multiple types of permission that can be given out:

  • Build

    • People with this permission can place blocks

  • Destroy

    • People with this permission can destroy blocks

  • Switch

    • People with this permission can use levers and buttons.

  • Itemuse

    • People with this permission can open and close things such as doors, trapdoors, and gates.

Setting Plot Permissions

Using all info above we can set permissions using the following base command:

/plot set perm [group] [type] [state]

  • [group] being one of the Permission Groups. (Resident, Nation, Ally, Outsider)

  • [type] being one of the Permission Types. (Build, Destroy, Switch, Itemuse)

  • [state] being whether you want to allow or deny this permission to a group. Use allow or deny here.

If you wish to apply these permissions to the entirty of your town you can use the following command:

/town set perm [group] [type] [state]

  • [group] being one of the Permission Groups. (Resident, Nation, Ally, Outsider)

  • [type] being one of the Permission Types. (Build, Destroy, Switch, Itemuse)

  • [state] being whether you want to allow or deny this permission to a group. Use allow or deny here.

Last updated

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