Our Rules & Mods List
The official rules of the server can be viewed below. Rules are necessary in order to provide the best experience possible for our players and to allow for a safe and fun environment. Staff are able to punish at their own discretion as needed in certain situations. If you believe that the punishment that was given was unfair, feel free to create a ticket in our discord. A full list of in-game rules can be found in-game using /rules.
In-game Server Rules
Usage of illegal modifications is not permitted
Do not advertise other minecraft servers or services
Keep swearing to a minimum. Bypassing blocked words is not permitted
Sending or spreading any form of IP grabbers or scam links is not allowed.
Usage of hacked clients is not allowed.
Do not spam in chat or spam players/staff in PM/Mail
Scamming other players is not allowed.
Harassment / Inappropriate language towards staff or players are not permitted.
All forms of griefing are not allowed
No racist, sexist prejudicial, or generally bigoted comments are permitted.
Abusing exploits (Block glitching, duplication etc) is not allowed.
Creating and using lag machines is not allowed.
Sharing other player's personal information in any way is not allowed.
Inappropriate skins/names are not allowed
Ban or mute evading is not allowed.
Encouraging other players to break rules is not allowed.
Do not impersonate or pretend to be a staff-member.
You may not use more than 1 alt, and may not use alts to boost your main account.
Players are not allowed to take Vehicles into the spawn region. If Vehicles are left here, staff will remove them and they won't be given back.
Avoiding the AFK room by use of anti-afk machines such as AFK Pools is not allowed
Purposefully abusing bugs or finding loop holes to try and ruin the economy is not allowed and will result in a ban as well as a wipe of your player data and town.
You may only loot unclaimed Towns if it's been more than a week since the Town disbanded
Some rules are only shown in-game using the /rules command - Please note that both Rules shown in-game and Rules in this list apply and must both be abided by.
Allowed/Disallowed Modifications List
This is the allowed/disallowed modifications list for all NobleRealms servers and must be followed when using any clientside modifications in your gameplay. When using modifications, common sense should be used as not all modifications can be listed here.
Allowed Modifications
Lunar/Badlion Client
Schematics (Printer is disallowed)
Litematica (Easyplace is disallowed)
5Zig, bspkrs, etc
Kohi TCPNoDelay
Lighting Mod(s), such as Starlight
Minimaps (except those which show entities)
Non-Gameplay Enhancing modifications (Tabby Chat)
Sodium, DynamicFPS, OkZoomer, DarkLoadingScreen (FabricMC Mods)
Disallowed Modifications
Hacked Clients (Jigsaw, Vape, Hunzi, Wurst) or Ghost Clients
Damage Indicators
Better Sprint
Console Clients
XRay (Mods / Resource Packs)
Chest Finders
Any other PVP Enhancing Mods (such as J3 Ultimate)
World Downloader Mods
Updated 18/05/2023
Last updated
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